Identification of Forensic Fabrics Using a Portable Raman Spectrometer
Applications | | MetrohmInstrumentation
RAMAN Spectroscopy
Key wordsmetrohm, raman, tek, microscope, portable, video, forensic, distinctively, fabrics, fabric, sampling, ionenstrasse, fibers, extensively, identification, thin, accessory, wool, studied, fiber, animal, creating, involves, spectrometers, verify, seen, rapidly, comparing, useful, proteins, lab, library, related, configuration, identify, individual, spectrum, selectivity, can, testing, test, because, very, peaks, reference, spectrometer, materials, two, each, been
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Metrohm i-Raman Prim portable Raman spectrometer
2020|Metrohm|Brochures and specifications
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Identification of microplastics with Raman microscopy
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