Identification of Microplastics with Portable Raman Microscopy
Aplikace | 2020 | MetrohmInstrumentation
RAMAN Spektrometrie, Mikroskopie
IndustriesŽivotní prostředí, Materiálová analýza
Key wordsmetrohm, microplastic, microplastics, inconclusive, mitigate, samples, environments, looming, raman, stereomicroscope, laser, fluorescence, bwid, delaware, bay, unknown, coastal, laminar, tek, library, threat, spectrum, hood, absorb, ionenstrasse, microscopy, material, from, colored, microscope, marine, dyes, excitation, were, examination, frequent, portable, compares, video, identification, isolate, observation, candidate, suggest, attributed, piece, majority, digested, infrared, assigned
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