Raman Spectroscopy in Archaeological Studies
Technical notes | | MetrohmInstrumentation
RAMAN Spectroscopy
IndustriesMaterials Testing
Key wordsraman, metrohm, portable, archaeological, tek, optic, microscope, study, video, alhambra, haematite, crusts, decorations, stalactite, prehistoric, paintings, vaults, fiber, kings, spectrometers, tripod, bwid, bwiq, artefacts, hall, xyz, research, preservation, work, ionenstrasse, sharing, powered, positioning, dark, schematic, whose, mounted, identification, multivariate, attributed, occurring, aid, highlighted, fine, indicating, laser, location, utilized, adjusted, innovative
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Metrohm i-Raman Pro portable Raman spectrometer
2020|Metrohm|Brochures and specifications
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