Sub-ppb detection limits for hydride gas contaminants using GC-ICP-QQQ
Aplikace | 2015 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentation
GC, Speciační analýza, ICP/MS/MS
IndustriesPrůmysl a chemie, Polovodiče
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies
Key wordssulfide, icp, ppb, qqq, gas, carbonyl, cell, phosphine, silane, omega, cos, hydride, using, semiconductor, low, exit, petrochemical, level, scanlon, anticipation, geiger, calibration, were, supplied, transistors, oxygen, value, diluter, standard, integration, industry, hydrogen, mass, contaminants, purity, production, measuring, demanded, multipoint, william, based, deleterious, backgrounds, reaction, performance, either, background, qms, used, digit
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