Utilizing online chemical analysis to optimize propylene oxide production
Technické články | 2019 | MetrohmInstrumentation
NIR Spektroskopie
IndustriesPrůmysl a chemie
Key wordspropylene, process, cumene, hydroperoxide, production, propene, oxide, epoxidation, peroxide, metrohm, paper, white, tba, tert, online, chlorohydrin, styrene, mtbe, reactor, cmhp, monomer, tbhp, caustic, hydrogen, industrial, ooh, inline, butyl, recycle, ends, hydrogenation, butanol, effluent, crude, produce, intermediate, oxidation, from, heavies, naoh, peroxides, quinones, organic, content, cma, polyols, analysis, titration, wastewater, atex
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