Multielement certified material (Mix 23 elements)

Analytika: Aqueous calibration solution ASTASOL
Multielement certified material in nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid. CRM Mix 23 elements 100mg/l ea., in 5% Nitric acid + 0.2% Hydrofluoric acid, HDPE, 100 ml.
All variations
- 30 ml - Contact us for a price
- 50 ml - Contact us for a price
- 100 ml - Contact us for a price
- 250 ml - Contact us for a price
- 500 ml - Contact us for a price
- 3 x 30 ml - Contact us for a price
Intended use:
For calibration and validation of analytical methods analysing aqueous solutions such as atomic spectrometry (AAS, AES, ICP-OES, ICP-MS), molecular absorption spectrometry and selected electroanalytical methods.
- Product code: AN9094MFN
- Concentration: 100 mg/l
- Matrix: HNO3 + HF
- Number of elements: Multi-element
Type: CRM - Volume: 100 ml
- Analytes: As, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Ti, Tl, V, Zn
- Expiry: 12 months
- Matrix concentration: 5 % + 0.2 %
- Package: HDPE
- Shelf life: 36 months
Starting primary compounds and theirs purities (%):
As 99.9999; BeO 99.98; CaCO3 99.999; Cd 99.999; Co 99.998; Cr(NO3)3 . xH2O 99.99; Cu 99.999; Fe 99.998; Li2CO3 99.999; Mg 99.98; Mn 99.98; Mo 99.95; Ni 99.995; NH4H2PO4 99.999; Pb 99.999; Sb 99.999, Se 99.995; Sn 99.999; SrCO3 99.994; Ti 99.99; TlNO3 99.9995; NH4VO3 99.95; Zn 99.99
5% HNO3 (v/v), prepared from sub boil distilled HNO3 (ANALPURE®), 0.2% HF (v/v) prepared from sub boil distilled HF (ANALPURE®) and ultrapure demineralized water (resistivity ≥ 18 MΩ.cm, 0.22μm filtered).
Certification and traceability:
This CRM is certified on the basis of gravimetric preparation. This procedure also ensures a direct traceability to SI unit – kg. Certified values, uncertainties and traceability were further verified by primary analytical methods (gravimetric, titrimetric) as well as by instrumental methods (AAS, AES, ICP-OES) calibrated with independent reference solutions (e.g. SRM NIST, TraceCERT, in-house solid and liquid CRMs). Analytical methods and references used are listed in the following table.
Analytika: Certification and traceability ASTASOL AN9094MFN
Trace impurities in bottled solution (in mg/l):
Determination of trace impurities was performed by AAS, ICP-OES and ICP-MS. Impurity levels are supplied only for information of the user and should not be used as calibration data.
Analytika: Trace impurities in bottled solution (in mg/l) ASTASOL AN9094MFN
Homogeneity and stability:
It has been demonstrated that this CRM is homogeneous and its stability is guaranteed during the whole shelf life provided the solution it kept under conditions presented below.
Storing and instruction for use:
This CRM must be stored in the original closed bottle between 5 – 30 °C. The producer guarantees a declared shelf life and expiration time provided the CRM is properly stored and professionally handled. The temperature of the solution must be 20 ± 0.5 °C before every use. It is necessary to indicate on this certificate and the label the expiration time, which depends on the date of the first time the aluminium bag was opened. After use, the bottle must be immediately tightly capped, and it is recommended to put it back into the reclosable aluminium bag. It is not recommended to use the standard solution when the bottle contains less than 10 % of the solution. Therefore, in case of non-transparent bottle, it is important to indicate the amount of the solution used, e.g. on the label. Do not pipette from the bottle. Do not return removed aliquots to bottle.
Detailed information about the production, homogeneity, stability, coding, characterization and storing of this CRM are described in the document “Detailed information about the production of aqueous calibration solutions ASTASOL®“ which is available for download on the website