Over the years, the conference took place in Hradec Králové (4×), Prague (3×), Olomouc (2×) and České Budějovice (1×). The invited speakers included leading figures of mass spectrometry such as Günter Allmaier, Frank Tureček, Dieter Gerlich, Miloš Novotný, James Bruce, Renato Zenobi, Michael Przybylski, Kevin Schug, Andrea Sinz, Helmut Schwarz, Magnus Palmblad, David Goodlett, Aleš Svatoš, Zdeněk Lánský, Karel Lemr, Michal Holčapek and Vladimír Havlíček.
Since the very beginning, the Czech mass spectrometry conference put a lot of emphasis on the active participation of graduate students and postdocs. The conference is a unique opportunity for young mass spectrometry scientists from Czechia and Slovakia to present at a local event, but in an international format and in front of wider Central European audience.
In 2022, the 10th Czech mass spectrometry conference is co-organized together with the 16th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference. The joint meeting gives our modest scientific event broader international exposure and diverse European attendance. We trust that the next ten years will bring even more development and expansion and that the conference will establish itself as regional meeting in the field.
Past Conferences
- Date: October 11 – March 12, 2021, Prague
- Attendees: 89
- Plennary lectures: Zdeněk Lánský (Institute of Biotechnology of the CAS, Prague) and Vladimír Havlíček (Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, Prague)
- Date: March 27 – March 29, 2019, Olomouc
- Attendees: 118
- Plennary lectures: Aleš Svatoš (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena), David Goodlett (University of Maryland, Baltimore) and Magnus Palmblad (Leiden University Medical Center)
- Date: April 11 – April 13, 2018, Prague
- Attendees: 143
- Plennary lectures: Helmut Schwarz (Technische Universität Berlin) and František Tureček (University of Washington)
- Date: March 29 – March 31, 2017, Olomouc
- Attendees: 117
- Plennary lectures: Andrea Sinz (Martin-Luther-University) a Michal Holčapek (University of Pardubice)
- Date: April 13 – April 15, 2016, České Budějovice
- Attendees: 115
- Plennary lectures: Miloš Novotný (Indiana University) a Karel Lemr (Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci)
- Date: April 15 – April 17, 2015, Hradec Králové
- Attendees: 141
- Plennary lectures: Michael Przybylski (University of Konstanz) a Kevin Schug (The University of Texas at Arlington)
- Date: October 16 – October 18, 2013, Hradec Králové
- Attendees: 138
- Plennary lectures: James Bruce (University of Washington) a Renato Zenobi (ETH Zurich)
- Date: October 17 – October 19, 2012, Hradec Králové
- Attendees: 147
- Plennary lectures: Dieter Gerlich (Technische Universität Chemnitz) a Miloš Novotný (Indiana University)
- Date: October 19 – October 21, 2011, Hradec Králové
- Attendees: 150
- Plennary lectures: Günter Allmaier (Technische Universität Wien) a František Tureček (University of Washington)