Webinars LabRulezICPMS Week 11/2024

LabRulez: Webinars LabRulezICPMS Week 11/2024
In the week from March 11, the following webinars await you in the field of atomic and molecular spectroscopy and spectrometry
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1. Agilent Technologies: The Analysis of Petroleum and Petroleum Products with an Agilent ICP-MS system
- Tu, 12.3.2024, 20:30 CET
- Registration
The ease of organic solvent introduction in an Agilent ICPMS system and the optimization of the ICPMS system for petroleum analysis.
2. Shimadzu Corporation: Towards Cleaner Air: CEMS – Continuous Emission Monitoring System For Environmental Compliance
- Th, 14.3.2024, 08:30 CET
- Registration
In this Digital Classrooms session, explore how Continuous Emission Monitoring System transforms your approach to environmental compliance.
3. Agilent Technologies: OligoConnect: Linking Science, Innovation, and Therapeutics (Day 2)
- Th, 14.3.2024, 10:00 CET
- Registration
Across 2 days this educational virtual event will share key learnings around the analysis of synthetic oligonucleotides, providing expert insights from research discovery to production QA/QC.
4. Agilent Technologies: ICP-OES Method Development and Optimization
- Fr, 15.3.2024, 18:00 CET
- Registration
Learn how to create and optimize a method for different types of applications.