ICPMS webinars focusing on ICP/MS | LabRulez ICPMS
Increasing Matrix Robustness using Intelligent Matrix Handling (IMH) with Thermo Scientific iCAP MX Series ICP-MS
Join this virtual demonstration of the Thermo Scientific iCAP MX Series ICP-MS to learn how Qtegra ISDS Intelligent Matrix Handling reduces sample-to-sample carryover and maintenance of your instrument.
Tu, 11.2.2025 13:00 CET
Thermo Fisher Scientific
From Single Cell and Nanoparticle analysis to Laser Ablation and Beyond: Advanced ICP-MS Research Applications
NanoParticle, Single Cell, Speciation, Laser Ablation, and other hyphenated ICP-MS applications that can advance your research.
Tu, 11.2.2025 19:00 (CET)
Agilent Technologies
Trace Level Elemental Analysis of Metals in Drinking Water by ICP-MS According to Directive (EU) 2020/2184
A complete workflow from sample introduction to the final reporting highlighting exemplary results showing how the mandated LOQs detailed in the EU regulation can be met by modern analytical laboratories.
We, 26.2.2025 14:00 CET
Agilent Technologies
Elemental Analysis of Metals in the Li-Battery Value Chain by ICP-MS
To test the level of inorganic impurities in recycled battery components using a sensitive, multi-element technique such as ICP-MS is used
Tu, 11.3.2025 21:30 (CET)
Agilent Technologies
Analysis of Electrolyte and Li salts commonly used in Li Battery manufacturing
Analysis of Electrolyte and Li salts commonly used in Li Battery manufacturing
Tu, 18.3.2025 21:30 CEST
Agilent Technologies
Increasing Laboratory Productivity using easyAGD for Thermo Scientific iCAP MX Series ICP-MS
Join this virtual demonstration of the Thermo Scientific iCAP MX Series ICP-MS to learn how to use the new easyAGD.
Th, 27.3.2025 13:00 CET
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Fast, Accurate and Robust Analysis of Environmental Samples using ICP-OES and ICP-MS
Join this virtual demonstration of the Thermo Scientific iCAP MX Series ICP-MS and Thermo Scientific iCAP PRO ICP-OES to learn how to run a complete analytical suite of elements in various water types.
Tu, 29.4.2025 13:00 CEST
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Improving Productivity with Ultimate Efficiency and Intuitive Workflows on the Thermo Scientific iCAP MX Series ICP-MS
Join this virtual demonstration of the Thermo Scientific iCAP MX Series ICP-MS to learn how the unique design of the all-new iCAP MX Series can help increase your laboratory efficiency.
The US FDA EAM 4.7 method outlines two sample digestion methodologies and this webinar will outline them in detail and discuss how digesting samples at temperatures up to 250°C can enhance digestion efficiency.
Th, 12.6.2025 18:00 CEST
Anton Paar
Accurate Measurement of Elemental Impurities in Industrial Samples by ICP-OES and ICP-MS
Accurate Measurement of Elemental Impurities in Industrial Samples by ICP-OES and ICP-MS.