Exploring Methods for Antioxidants, Oil & Condition Monitoring in Tribology
Effective oil and condition monitoring enables proactive maintenance strategies and minimizes unexpected failures of machinery such as turbines.
By closely monitoring the condition of lubricating oils, maintenance professionals can reduce downtime, extend equipment lifespan and identify potential issues before they escalate. Antioxidants are often added to mitigate these issues, which makes monitoring these chemicals critical for equipment performance.
Join Paul Swan, Technical Manager, APAC at ALS Tribology, and Larry Tucker, Director of Norms and Standards at Metrohm USA, as they discuss vital aspects of oil and condition monitoring and the importance of antioxidants in tribology. Gain valuable knowledge on ASTM methods and discover the latest insights into improvements being made in these areas.
Key Learning Objectives:
Importance of antioxidants in lubricants and their impact on equipment performance
How to use voltammetry as a tool to monitor remaining useful life on antioxidants in lubricating oils
Importance of oil analysis in predictive maintenance strategies
Understanding the significance of condition monitoring in preventing unexpected failures
Insights into developments aimed at refining ASTM methods
Who Should Attend:
Anyone currently monitoring remaining useful life of antioxidants in lubricating oils
Anyone using ASTM methods for oil and condition monitoring
Laboratories, equipment manufacturers, oil and additive producers and electric utilities looking to monitor oil conditioning and antioxidant levels in use
Presenter: Paul Swan (Technical Manager APAC, Australian Laboratory Services, Tribology)
Presenter: Larry Tucker (Director of Norms and Standards, Metrohm USA)
Presenter: Melissa O'Meara (Forensic Science Consultant, C&EN Media Group)