Elemental Profiling of Whiskey using the Agilent 5100/5110 ICP-OES and MPP Chemometrics Software
Applications | 2017 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentation
IndustriesFood & Agriculture
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies
Key wordsmdl, whiskey, element, elemental, proof, wavelength, distillery, profiler, icp, professional, oes, svdv, spike, blue, age, wines, mpp, different, authenticity, recovery, profile, mdls, vertical, distillary, using, stills, min, dissimilarities, pump, lucrative, atomic, ssrf, orientated, profiles, black, billions, spectroscopy, max, whiskeys, tennessee, used, view, elements, profiling, combiner, dichroic, vdv, odorous, bourbon, product
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