EA-IRMS: 13C and Simultaneous 18O and 2H Isotope Analysis in Ethanol with Thermo Scientific Delta V Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometers
Aplikace | 2016 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentation
Elementární analýza, GC/HRMS, GC/MSD
IndustriesPotraviny a zemědělství
ManufacturerThermo Fisher Scientific
Key wordsethanol, pineapple, corrfac, isotope, δmeas, δraw, delta, wine, standard, wines, reactor, ratio, gisp, intensitiy, δcorr, δreal, autosampler, vsmow, tin, carbon, hungarian, temperature, finance, corr, raw, combustion, customs, reduction, std, corrected, analysis, value, thermo, avg, community, scientific, isotopes, high, tetramethylurea, vpdb, ampl, pdb, rescaled, measured, using, universal, versus, conflo, elemental, dwell
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