Mass Spectrometry Applications for Environmental Analysis
Aplikace, Příručky | 2014 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentation
GC/MSD, GC/MS/MS, GC/HRMS, GC/IT, GC/SQ, GC/QQQ, HPLC, Iontová chromatografie, LC/HRMS, LC/MS, LC/MS/MS, LC/Orbitrap, LC/QQQ, ICP/MS, Speciační analýza
IndustriesŽivotní prostředí
ManufacturerThermo Fisher Scientific
Key wordsmdl, water, mass, thermo, scientific, were, full, tsq, analysis, ion, targeted, sample, method, spe, quantum, esi, compound, compounds, relative, srm, time, using, min, screening, scan, samples, orbitrap, exactive, abundance, from, used, environmental, quantitation, isolation, mode, dart, spectrometry, aif, abundanc, diquat, data, quadrupole, windows, paraquat, liquid, hplc, detection, equan, africa, analytical
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Mass Spectrometry Applications for Environmental Analysis
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