News from LabRulezICPMS - Library Week 34, 2024
- Photo: LabRulezICPMS Library
Our Library never stops expanding. What are the most recent contributions to LabRulezICPMS Library in week 34, 2024? Check out new documents from the field of spectroscopy, especially ICP/MS techniques!
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This week we bring to you a poster from ASMS 2024 by Agilent Technologies, applications by Shimadzu and Thermo Fisher Scientific, and technical note by Metrohm!
1. Agilent Technologies: Analysis of Elemental Impurities in Synthetic Oligonucleotides by ICP-MS In compliance with USP <232>/<233> and ICH Q3D(R2)/Q2(R1)
- poster / ASMS 2024
Introduction: Synthetic oligonucleotides are short chains (oligomers) of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules. They are used in applications such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, DNA sequencing and novel therapeutic products.
The synthesis of oligonucleotides involves a four-step cyclic process followed by multi-step downstream purification. This manufacturing process as well as environment, packaging, and container closure systems can be potential sources of contamination leading to inorganic impurities formation.
To control and monitor product safety, permitted daily exposure (PDE) limits of 24 elements are defined in ICH guideline Q3D(R2)1 and USP chapter <232>2. ICH Q2(R1)3 and USP<233> 4 describe analytical measurement requirements and procedures for the measurement of those elemental impurities. Although oligonucleotide products have not been included in those regulatory guidelines yet, the industry common practice is to follow those guidelines.
In this study, an analytical workflow (Figure1) was developed in accordance with the ICH/USP guidelinesfor the analysis of elemental impurities in an oligonucleotide sample using an Agilent 7850 ICP-MS. Data was acquired to evaluate the accuracy, specificity, reproducibility, and ruggedness of the method.
Conclusion: The study has demonstrated the suitability of the Agilent 7850 ICP-MS for the identification and quantification of 24 elements in a synthetic oligonucleotide sample in compliance with existing USP and ICH guidelines. Instrument and method performance requirements for stability, detectability, precision, specificity, ruggedness, accuracy, and spike recovery were all achieved per the criteria given in USP <232>/<233> and ICH Q3D(R2)/Q2(R1).
As the development and use of oligonucleotides in therapeutic applications continue to advance, the elemental impurities analysis of oligonucleotides using 7850 ICP-MS can safeguard the product quality and safety.
2. Metrohm: OMNIS NIRS: An efficiency boost for your laboratory
- Technical note
Routine lab analysis – simplified with OMNIS NIRS
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is an analytical technique used to determine multiple parameters in samples quickly without requiring any chemicals. Determinations can be performed in liquids, pastes, and solids with this non-destructive method.
Many industries benefit from using NIRS in their laboratory workflows. Time and cost savings are two of the most convincing arguments for adopting NIRS in the laboratory. It is also easy to use, even for non-technical operators.
This White Paper discusses the concept and benefits of NIR spectroscopy, supplemented with the use of the Metrohm NIR solution, OMNIS NIRS, in several real-life laboratory application examples. Applications from the petrochemical, food and beverage, semiconductor, and pharmaceutical industries are used to demonstrate the unique functionalities of OMNIS NIRS in different situations.
SUMMARY: With OMNIS NIRS, users get a flexible, modular analytical solution which is suitable for many industries. Unique functionalities include:
- automatic model development (OMD)
- a high measurement speed
- the possibility to recognize sample insertion and removal
- sophisticated temperature control
- the ability to combine different analytical technologies from a single manufacturer—even in an automated system
Boost the efficiency of your laboratory with OMNIS NIRS.
3. Shimadzu: Analysis of Metal Elements in Culture Medium Using ICPMS-2050
- Application
User Benefits
- Analysis of both trace and high-concentration elements is possible in culture media.
- Culture media can be analyzed with simple dilution-only pretreatment using the ICPMS-2050.
- The elements in the culture medium can be analyzed reliably and accurately over a long period.
Introduction: A culture medium usually contains elements spanning a wide range of concentrations, from trace (Co, Cu, Se, etc.) to several thousand ppm (Na). Elementsin the medium are important in cell cultures because they are taken up by the cells and contribute to enzyme activity and redox reactions. On the other hand, it has been pointed out that unexpected contamination from raw materials and equipment in the culture media manufacturing process may cause differences in element concentrations among batches. Therefore, it is important to know the element concentration profiles in the culture medium to achieve a homogeneous cell culture.
ICP-MS issuitable for this purpose because it can analyze multiple elements with high sensitivity and has a wide dynamic range. In this Application News, an ICPMS-2050 was used to analyze both trace and high-concentration elements in a culture medium by dilution-only pretreatment. Furthermore, the spike recovery and long-term stability in the culture medium were evaluated using the ICPMS-2050 to confirm that there was no effect on the analytical value due to dilution-only pretreatment.
Summary: In this Application News, the ICPMS-2050 was used to analyze trace and high-concentration elements in a culture medium using dilution-only pretreatment. Good spike recoveries were obtained for all the measured elements, verifying that the culture medium can be accurately analyzed with dilution-only pretreatment. In addition, the results of CCV and internal standard recoveries showed good long-term stability.
4. Thermo Fisher Scientific: Analysis of process water from hydrogen fuel cells using triple quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
- Application
Keywords: Fluorine, fuel cell, high resolution, ICP-MS, KED, PEM, process water, triple quadrupole, TQ-O2 mode
Goal: To demonstrate the analysis of process water from hydrogen fuel cells for inorganic trace contaminants with high sensitivity and accuracy using triple quadrupole ICP-MS
Conclusions: The iCAP TQe ICP-MS was employed to analyze 53 elements including fluorine in process water derived from hydrogen fuel cells. Among the analytes, several critical interferences can cause unexpected bias, and these were investigated closely for effective and complete removal by means of selective collision / reaction cell reactions with oxygen. This study also included the development of a method for the analysis of fluorine, generally only possible in an indirect measurement. This analytical method was rigorously tested, and the results obtained clearly demonstrate the fowling analytical advantages:
- The iCAP TQe ICP-MS operated in TQ-O2 and He KED modes allowed the analysis of 53 elements in relevant sample matrices over a wide concentration range. For minor elements, the method was tested over 4 orders of magnitude (from 0.01 to 100 µg·L-1), whereas major elements were tested between 1 to 100 µg·L⁻¹.
- Using a high throughput analysis approach, with a new autosampler equipped with a Step Ahead feature for minimizing total analysis time, all elements relevant for the development of hydrogen fuel cell technology could be measured accurately with low detection limits.
- The use of TQ-O₂ mode provided advanced performance for eliminating the polyatomic interferences of phosphorus, sulfur, silver, and cadmium in the simulated hydrogen fuel cell process water. This covered both polyatomic interferences as well as overlaps created by intense signals from isotopes of elements present in high concentrations.
- he iCAP TQe ICP-MS offers the flexibility to choose high resolution for the Q1 and Q3 quadrupoles, enabling complete elimination of polyatomic interference and isobaric interferences.
- The feasibility of fluorine analysis was demonstrated using an indirect method after complexation with barium. The iCAP TQe ICP-MS showed accurate and precise determination of fluorine as proven by the spike recovery tests performed.
- Excellent stability performance was obtained with the iCAP TQe ICP-MS together with excellent CCV and spike recovery results over a 3-hour run without internal standard correction. This provides the advantage of avoiding potential contamination from addition of the internal standard solution.