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Nanoscale Chemical Characterization of Semiconductor Materials and Devices using Photothermal AFM-IR

We, 22.1.2025 17:00 CET
In this webinar, Bruker nanoscale IR spectroscopy experts show how photothermal AFM-IR can identify the local chemistry of defects.
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Bruker: Nanoscale Chemical Characterization of Semiconductor Materials and Devices using Photothermal AFM-IR
Bruker: Nanoscale Chemical Characterization of Semiconductor Materials and Devices using Photothermal AFM-IR

In this webinar, Bruker nanoscale IR spectroscopy experts show how photothermal AFM-IR can identify the local chemistry of defects. With this detailed knowledge about chemistry, defect origins can be identified and eliminated.

AFM-IR is a unique, automation-capable technique that reaches beyond the capabilities of bulk spectroscopy or nanoscale elemental analysis methods. It has redefined the boundaries of nanoscale characterization for the semiconductor manufacturing industry.

Join us for this webinar to learn:

  • What AFM-IR is and how it works
  • Which parts of the semiconductor manufacturing process could be improved using nanoscale chemical analysis
  • What level of automation can be achieved with Bruker’s AFM-IR systems
Webinar Abstract

Semiconductor devices are an essential part of our modern world. Current challenges exist in reducing contamination on wafers and masks, refining existing deposition, etch and growth techniques and improving EUV lithography and photoresist processes. The ability to accurately characterize and measure these materials is critical to improving wafer yields and pushing towards smaller transistors and developing new packaging solutions. Elemental analytical techniques such as EDS/EELS have stepped up to meet the need for higher sensitivity and resolution, but lack chemical specificity in identifying organic materials. AFM-IR is up to the task to identify the origin and narrow down to one of the many processing/inspection steps during which defects may be introduced.

AFM-IR (atomic force microscopy infrared spectroscopy) combines AFM’s high spatial resolution with IR spectroscopy’s chemical specificity, and has been used by many semiconductor companies to improve product outcomes. Bruker’s Dimension IconIR and Dimension IconIR300 systems work as multifunctional instruments for studying the nanoscale chemistry, along with electrical and mechanical properties of semiconductor devices on wafers up to 300 mm. Automation capabilities and the capability to import coordinates from KLARF allows for considerably higher throughput and the best cost of ownership for nanoscale IR imaging and spectroscopy.

This webinar highlights AFM-IR's applications in defect identification, process control, and photoresist characterization, and its role in advancing 2D material research for the semiconductor industry. Join us to discover how AFM-IR is redefining the boundaries of nanoscale characterization, and the unique role it can play in semiconductor manufacturing, and how AFM-IR is being used to explore the future of semiconductor devices.

Presenter: Dr. Qichi Hu (Senior Applications Scientist)

Qichi is currently a Senior Staff Applications Scientist at Bruker Nano. He received a bachelor’s degree from Peking University and Ph.D. from University of British Columbia. He then did postdocs in U.S. university and national labs. Qichi has been working on nanoIR development and applications for over a decade, at Anasys and now at Bruker.

Presenter: Chunzeng Li, Ph.D. (Applications Engineer, Bruker)

Dr. Chunzeng Li is an Applications Engineer with Bruker, Nano Surfaces and Metrology Division, with over 30 years AFM experience. He received his PhD in Physical Chemistry from Xiamen University, China, and is the author of 31 international publications and 2 patents.

Presenter: Jin Hee Kim, Ph.D. (Applications Scientist, Bruker)

Dr. Jinhee Kim is a NanoIR Applications Scientist at Bruker Nano. She received her Ph.D. in materials chemistry from the University of Michigan and completed her postdoctoral appointment at Monash University in Australia. She specialized in nanoIRs since her time in academia and is continuing to apply NanoIR to various fields.

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