Discover how to Migrate your ICP-OES workflow to include the Advanced Dilution System (ADS)
The new ADS 2 system not only prepares your calibration standards but also performs reactive dilutions on out-of-range samples and performs dilutions on samples you specify. We will take a deep dive into this exciting new accessory and show how it can vastly improve the workflow in your lab.
Presenter: Greg Gilleland (Application Scientist, Agilent Technologies, Inc.)
Greg began his spectroscopy career in 1987 in Colorado, working at a series of environmental labs. After 14 years working in the world of commercial environmental labs, he moved on to a spectroscopy instrument manufacturer where he performed service and sales functions over the course of 11 years. He has been with Agilent Technologies, Inc., since 2012 in the role of Application Scientist for ICP-OES, MP-AES and AA products.