TOC and TN analysis in environmental samples

Join us and our partners as we co-host a webinar presenting the latest news about TOC and TN analysis in environmental samples and learn how to:
Increase productivity with a combination of robust hardware and Shimadzu’s all new LabSolutions TOC Software.
Expand analysis capabilities for difficult matrices including samples with high suspended solids, or high salt and halogens concentrations.
Replace traditional Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) measurement with a safer, faster, and more accurate instrumental analysis.
Presenter: Ruth Marfil-Vega, PhD (Sr Market Manager – Environmental, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments)
Dr. Ruth Marfil-Vega has 20 years of expertise in environmental chemistry and engineering in the US and Europe. She has worked with the EPA and the utilities industry to design and execute comprehensive solutions for addressing new environmental and water quality issues, including PFAS, regulated and unregulated DBPs, and other emerging contaminants. Since Ruth joined Shimadzu five years ago, she has continued to work with environmental stakeholders to ensure that analytical instrumentation and workflows support their success. She earned a BSc in Chemistry from the University of Valladolid (Spain) and a PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering from the University of Cincinnati.
Presenter: Keith Long (Product Support Lead, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments)
Keith Long earned his BSc in Chemistry from Northern Kentucky University and has over 20 years of experience in analytical and environmental testing. He joined Shimadzu is 2010 as part of the Atomic Spectroscopy Team and since then, has become one of the leading experts in the U.S. for Shimadzu’s extensive lineup of TOC analyzers. He regularly works with customers to help them choose the correct instruments, system configurations, and techniques to meet their goals and analytical needs. In addition to providing technical support, he teaches training classes for customers and Shimadzu personnel, holds regular Webinars, and has starred in several YouTube videos to help Shimadzu remain the leader of TOC instrumentation in the U.S.