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    Products from category Software and libraries from Wiley distributed by LabRulez | LabRulez ICPMS

    Wiley ChemWindow Chemical Structure Drawing Software
    Wiley's KnowItAll, ChemWindow Edition is the software chemists choose for chemical structure drawing and publishing worldwide. Now with integrated solutions to modify, store, search, and retrieve chemical structures and properties, ChemWindow offers scientists even more solutions.

    Wiley KnowItAll Campus-Wide Solutions
    As a trusted academic partner, Wiley offers KnowItAll™ Campus-Wide Solutions — a comprehensive solution that is sure to make a significant impact throughout your scientific curricula and research programs.

    Wiley KnowItAll IR Spectral Database Collection
    Wiley's "KnowItAll IR Spectral Library" offers access to over 339,000 infrared spectral records — the world's largest collection of high-quality infrared spectra including the renowned Sadtler™ databases.

    Wiley - Sigma-Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra
    The Sigma-Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra is a world-class, comprehensive collection of new FT-IR spectra sourced from the laboratories of Sigma-Aldrich by Merck KGaA Darmstadt, Germany. Featuring over 11,000 pure compounds and over 11,250 spectroscopic records, this new collection includes Sigma-Aldrich catalog numbers, ensuring quick and accurate ordering of standards from Sigma-Aldrich.

    Wiley - Sigma-Aldrich Library of ATR-IR Spectra
    The Sigma-Aldrich Library of ATR-IR Spectra is a world-class, comprehensive collection of new ATR-IR spectra sourced from the laboratories of Sigma-Aldrich by Merck KGaA Darmstadt, Germany. Featuring over 18,000 pure compounds and over 19,500 spectroscopic records, this new collection includes the Sigma-Aldrich catalog number, ensuring quick and accurate ordering of standards from Sigma-Aldrich.

    Wiley KnowItAll NMR Spectral Database Collection
    Wiley's KnowItAll NMR Spectral Library offers a comprehensive collection of high-quality nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) reference spectra, including the renowned Sadtler™ databases. These databases are essential lab to search or predict NMR spectra.

    Wiley - Sigma-Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra
    This NMR spectral database provides access to over 26,000 spectral records of organic compounds that can be used to identify or predict NMR spectra. This collection also includes the Sigma-Aldrich catalog number, ensuring quick and accurate ordering of standards from Sigma-Aldrich.

    Wiley AIST NMR Library
    The AIST NMR Library is a world-class, comprehensive collection of NMR spectra sourced from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and NMRDBTech, Inc.

    Wiley KnowItAll Raman Spectral Database Collection
    Wiley's KnowItAll Raman Spectral Library offers access to over 25,000 spectra—the world's largest collection of high-quality Raman spectra, including the renowned Sadtler™ databases.

    Wiley - Sigma-Aldrich Library of Raman Spectra
    The Sigma-Aldrich Library of Raman Spectra is a world-class collection of new Raman spectra sourced from the laboratories of Sigma-Aldrich by Merck KGaA Darmstadt, Germany. Featuring over 6,300 pure compounds and over 6,450 spectroscopic records, this new collection includes Sigma-Aldrich catalog numbers, ensuring quick and accurate ordering of standards from Sigma-Aldrich.

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