Simultaneous Iodine and Bromine Speciation Analysis of Infant Formula by HPLC-ICP-MS
Applications | 2019 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentation
HPLC, ICP/MS, Speciation analysis, ICP/MS/MS
IndustriesFood & Agriculture
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, CEM
Key wordsinfant, iodine, formula, speciation, four, species, total, icp, srm, measured, qqq, milk, bromine, halogen, china, iodide, min, nutritional, arsenic, concentration, formulas, reference, pacquette, samples, were, test, lawrence, national, hplc, spike, analysis, commercially, smprs, basket, ppb, regulatory, standard, iodate, determination, babies, standards, setting, simultaneous, noise, cow, sample, adult, method, parameter, percentages
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