The Migration of Elements from Toys and Speciation of Chromium (VI) in Toy Material Using a Low Cost IC-ICP-MS Solution
Applications | 2016 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentation
Ion chromatography
IndustriesMaterials Testing
ManufacturerThermo Fisher Scientific
Key wordstoy, chromium, icp, elemental, speciation, icap, migration, paint, pfa, finger, total, scientific, spiked, quantification, qcell, catalogue, hexavalent, from, thermo, nitric, nebulizer, therefore, were, after, stabilization, remove, used, connector, can, discrimination, autosampler, found, concentration, using, recovery, sample, classed, analyzed, elements, element, reduction, leachates, interferences, powerful, species, liquid, controlled, since, both, sticky
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