Element-specific examination of volatile halogenated organics in wastewater extracts using GC-ICP-MS
Postery | | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentation
GC, ICP/MS, Speciační analýza
IndustriesŽivotní prostředí
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies
Key wordshalogenated, chloramination, dbps, disinfection, byproducts, organics, wastewater, halogen, monochloramine, brominated, water, iodinated, icpms, formation, drinking, treatment, volatile, toxicity, monochloramination, our, hiwate, cics, treated, geographically, array, upon, epidemiology, profoundly, levels, organohalogen, monatomic, results, limited, samples, species, wastewaters, ocean, profound, inefficient, evidenced, analysis, ranking, chlorination, discussion, concentration, indeed, ability, waters, present, unidentified
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