WCPS: Determination of Iodine-129 in Aqueous Environmental Samples by ICP-MS with High Energy Oxygen Collision/Reaction Cell Technique. (PC-330)
Posters | 2011 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentation
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies
Key wordscps, oxygen, bias, cell, energy, omega, crc, entrance, collision, rnaa, reaction, average, rsd, radiochemical, gas, deflect, accidents, icp, spraychamber, high, plasma, accelerator, deg, power, ions, octopole, flow, nuclear, technique, mass, emissions, tuned, kinetic, exit, accelerate, notice, sufficiently, separately, plants, inductively, newly, reactions, instrumental, mode, released, units, continuously, subject, selecting, using
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