Analytical data transfer between a Fourier transform and a dispersive NIR instrument
Technical notes | | MetrohmInstrumentation
NIR Spectroscopy
Key wordsnir, xds, nirs, transfer, metrohm, rapidliquid, data, remeasurement, analyzer, analyzers, transferred, difference, dispersive, between, vision, sep, description, from, method, wish, fourier, instrument, set, old, validation, transform, ftnir, slope, piecewise, bias, axis, transmission, spectra, samples, vis, dissatisfaction, measured, correction, consuming, replacement, hereinafter, pds, customer, conflict, wavelength, same, norms, minimize, secv, nowadays
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Analytical method transfer
2018|Metrohm|Technical notes
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Determination of aliphatic alcohols in alcohol mixtures using visible near-infrared spectroscopy
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Data and method transfer from System II analyzer to Metrohm NIRS XDS or DS 2500 analyzers
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