Fast measurement of bio- chemical methane potential (BMP) by NIRS
Applications | | MetrohmInstrumentation
NIR Spectroscopy
IndustriesEnergy & Chemicals
Key wordsbmp, ondalys, manure, model, nir, methane, vision, flash, waste, calibration, values, nirs, reference, i’environnement, lbe, dicted, inra, air, biotechnologie, description, sorghum, fast, spectroscopy, used, accuracy, agro, biogas, produced, anaerobic, wastes, sunflower, method, sludge, homogeneity, combination, energy, crop, potential, substrates, constituent, flower, crops, municipal, biochemical, validity, gram, wheat, value, fermentation, were
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Quality control of fuels (gasoline, diesel, kerosene)
2020|Metrohm|Brochures and specifications
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