Portable Raman Spectroscopy for the Study of Polymorphs and Monitoring Polymorphic Transitions
Aplikace | | MetrohmInstrumentation
RAMAN Spektrometrie
IndustriesPrůmysl a chemie
Key wordsraman, metrohm, portable, polymorphs, polymorphic, monohydrate, spectroscopy, transition, anhydrous, citric, tool, cleanlaze, because, thinned, monitoring, straman, bwid, disappearance, bwiq, polymorphism, real, grade, trending, perfluoro, measure, quantitating, spectral, our, research, pat, ccd, rapid, ionenstrasse, crystal, transparent, powered, situ, process, spectrometer, technology, during, identification, sealed, multivariate, efficacy, cooled, acid, patented, compact, forms
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