Speciation of zinc in microliter volumes of plant sap by capillary HPLC-ICP-MS
Aplikace | 2017 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentation
HPLC, ICP/MS, Speciační analýza
IndustriesPotraviny a zemědělství
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies
Key wordsicp, zic, zinc, hilic, capillary, esi, metallomic, metal, sativum, pods, plant, hplc, complexes, preconcentration, sap, pea, allowed, histidine, essential, species, nicotianamine, assisted, lobinski, pisum, phloem, separation, analytique, endosperm, inorganique, sequant, ryszard, low, complex, chimie, perforated, chamber, line, micronutrient, spray, green, may, chromatographic, embryonic, proposes, sac, preconcentrated, nebulizer, biological, physiology, cause
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